1. According to the essay introduction in what century did "dancing go on ly in churches and in cemeteries"?
2. Jazz is growing appeal and popularity paralleled a growing American_______
3. Too many in small-time America jazz pose not only an_______.
Fill in blank with the number of the correct term.
4. Played by beating or by percussion___
5. A musical rhythm accenting a normally weak beat___
6. Having many aspects___
7. "Again we hear it alleged I got some moral corruption worked by Jazz's vastly more calamitious than was the material havoc wrought by the world war"
If you're both statement contains an example of?
-narrative structure
9. Which of the following is not a reason that author Carl Engle gives for Jazz's popularity?
10. Complete the sentence by supplying the missing word to fill in the blank.
"... Jazz which had always thrived in adversity and come to symbolize a certain kind of American freedom would be called upon to live the spirits___of a frightened country'
11. What would be the best paraphrase for this statement?
"...while the means and speed of locomotion have changed human nature has remain stationary or at least much as it always was"
12. Complete the sentence by supplying the missing words to fill in the blank
"Nothing will help more speedily to lower jazz in the esteem of the public at large than to hint artfully to suggest simply to insinuate that it may have some vague____"
13. Others would say that jazz has had a catastrophic impact______
1 answer
2. Renaissance
3. Problem
4. 2
5. 1
6. 3
7. 4
8. Irony
9-13 i still need help