1. Aaron Nance is a freshman in college who has not yet decided on his major. He is thinking about majoring in operations management and is concerned about job opportunities in this field. Which of the following statements about jobs for operations management majors is most accurate? If he majors in operations management, Aaron will

A) have limited job opportunities because operations management positions are only available in the slowly growing manufacturing sector.
B) acquire skills and knowledge that are valuable to firms in both the manufacturing and service sectors.
C) have plenty of job offers, but they will mainly be in low wage positions in the service sector.
D) find plenty of employment opportunities in the government and education, but not very many in the private sector.
2. Firms that have a goal of ____________ tend to locate facilities near major highways, ports, rail lines and airports.
A) reducing time to market
B) using ERP techniques
C) replacing labor with machinery
D) switching to a more service-oriented product mix

3. Production creates:
A) time utility.
B) ownership utility.
C) form utility.
D) marginal utility.

4. MRP was a technique that helped managers:
A) develop a reliable sales forecast.
B) schedule the sequence of tasks workers must perform in order to complete a project.
C) determine how many workers were needed to staff various departments.
D) make sure that the right parts and materials were available at the right time.

5.When suppliers provide parts to manufacturers in the order that matches when they will be needed in the production process, they are offering a service known as:
A) sequential delivery.
B) itemized delivery.
C) virtual warehousing.
D) first in, first out delivery.
6.A production process characterized by long production runs to turn out finished goods over time is known as a(n):
A) assembly process.
B) continuous process.
C) extended process.
D) unrestricted process.
7. In recent years, the service sector of the U.S. economy has:
A) grown much more rapidly than the manufacturing sector.
B) become the low-wage sector of the U.S. economy.
C) achieved extremely high productivity gains according to government reports.
D) focused less on quality and more on reducing costs of production.

8. Herzberg's research found that the factor that ranked highest as a motivator was:
A) the friendliness of supervisors.
B) a sense of achievement.
C) a compensation system that included bonuses and regular pay raises.
D) the presence of clear and consistent company rules and policies.
9. ________ refers to a situation in which a manager attempts to stop an undesirable behavior by simply not responding to it.
A) Rationalizing
B) Extinction
C) Retraction
D) Passive resistence
10. Maslow was mainly concerned with explaining how:
A) jobs could be broken down into very simple tasks that could be performed by unskilled workers.
B) human motivation was related to a hierarchy of needs.
C) managerial assumptions about workers affected their style of management.
D) to achieve open two-way communication within an organization.
11. A problem with equity judgments is that workers often ________ their own contributions to the success of a business.
A) overestimate
B) refuse to consider
C) do not care about
D) are unaware of

12. The findings of the Hawthorne studies led researchers to look more closely at how ____________ could lead to better productivity.
A) changes in salary and benefits
B) disciplinary factors and punishment
C) changes in physical working conditions
D) the human side of motivation
13. Operations managers at Alumax Corporation have found that they can achieve efficient production only by producing very large quantities of aluminum without shutting down the production process. This indicates that Alumax should use a(n) ___________ production process.
A) intermittent
B) assembly
C) continuous
D) systematic
14. Firms often use a(n) _____________ when working on a major project involving the production of a large item such as an airplane, ship, or bridge.
A) assembly line layout.
B) continuous production process.
C) fixed-position layout.
D) process manufacturing technique.

15. The six sigma approach to quality control:
A) relies on a special team of experts to examine every unit of output at the end of the production process.
B) detects potential problems before they occur.
C) views quality control as a function of the marketing department.
D) allows only 6 defective units per one thousand units produced.

16. Sylacon Industries, a leading producer of consumer goods, is looking for a site for a new production facility. The company is mainly focusing on sites that are close to major highways and rail hubs and are not too far from some major population centers. This suggests that a major location consideration for Sylacon is:
A) quality of life.
B) access to cheap land.
C) reducing time to market.
D) access to low cost labor.
17.A key idea in reinforcement theory is that:
A) goals should be set by everyone in an organization.
B) managers can use both rewards and punishment can to influence employee behavior.
C) managers should use the same reinforcement techniques for all employees.
D) employees are more likely to obey written instructions than verbal instructions.
18.Which of the following was a major reason productivity at Miller Brewing Company's Trenton, Ohio, brewery was significantly higher than productivity at the firm's other breweries?
A) Millers used a new method of brewing beer at the Trenton facility that cut the fermentation time in half.
B) The workers at the Trenton brewery were nonunion employees who worked longer hours for less pay than the unionized workers at other facilities.
C) Miller organized workers into self-directed, cross-functional teams and gave team members freedom and flexibility to make decisions.
D) Miller used scientific management techniques to find the most efficient method of doing each task, then taught all workers how to perform their jobs with the least amount of effort.
19. The most important impact of the Hawthorne studies was that it:
A) helped managers find the level of lighting associated with optimum productivity.
B) showed that workers could be programmed like machines to perform simple repetitive tasks, and thus led to the development of assembly lines.
C) changed the direction of research away from Taylor's scientific management toward the study of human-based management.
D) showed that physical working conditions have no impact on worker productivity.

20. According to equity theory, which of the following statements is most accurate?
A) The best way to motivate workers is to offer everyone the same reward.
B) Workers perceptions of fairness will affect their level of motivation.
C) Workers generally go a good job of estimating their contributions to a firm.
D) In the United States, workers tend to focus on their own situation and pay little attention to the efforts and rewards of other workers.

21. Maureen's supervisor was so impressed by her work that he named her the employee of the month. This praise from her supervisor is an example of a(n) _________ reward.
A) extrinsic
B) intrinsic
C) secondary
D) extraneous
22. Theory Y managers would tend to:
A) rely on monetary rewards to motivate employees.
B) assume that most employees dislikes their jobs.
C) have confidence in the ability of workers to solve problems that arise during work.
D) believe that job enrichment would be an ineffective way to improve motivation because it focuses too much on job content and not enough on working conditions.
23. Manny Hernandez is a production and operations manager who likes to keep track of how various projects are progressing. One of Manny's favorite tools is a bar graph that shows how much work has been completed on the projects that are currently underway. Manny likes to use a(n):
A) CAD/CAM diagram.
B) Input-output graph.
C) Gantt chart.
D) Targeted Completion Date Graph.

24. . HandZone, a manufacturer of high quality gloves and a variety of fashion accessories, already has both computer-aided design and computer-aided manufacturing. Unfortunately, the two systems cannot communicate with each other. David Warmdigit, a production manager at HandZone, has heard about some software that allows CAD and CAM to work together, and wants to learn more about it. David is interested in:
A) linear programming software.
B) holistic internalization of operations.
C) computer integrated manufacturing.
D) complex systems integration.

25. Dewey Dare is a production and operations manager with a clothing manufacturer. He has been looking into a system that will enable his company to take measurements from a customer and program machines to design and produce custom-cut clothes at little additional cost. This type of system is an example of the benefits of:
A) mass production.
B) just-in-time production systems.
C) the PERT method.

26. The resurgence of U.S. manufacturing firms in recent years can be credited to:
A) the government's willingness to implement policies designed to protect U.S. firms from low-cost foreign competition.
B) a decision by many U.S. manufacturers to drastically reduce costs by making more extensive use of mass production techniques.
C) a number of significant changes in both the production techniques and management styles used by U.S. firms.
D) a relaxation of government laws that has allowed manufacturing firms to merge more easily, thus achieving stronger market positions.

27. Milo Ulanovich lives in a third-world country with a volatile political and social environment. He currently has a job and can afford a decent apartment and plenty of food. He is worried, however, that the job may not last and that riots and political unrest will throw the country into turmoil. Milo's concerns reflect the desire to satisfy:
A) physiological needs.
B) safety needs.
C) social needs.
D) self-actualization needs.

28. Melody has worked as a secretary at Consolidated Freight Handling for ten years. She earns a good salary and is well liked by her fellow workers and managers. However, she has been passed over for promotion twice and feels that no one appreciates her abilities and skills. Melody is concerned with satisfying her:
A) physiological needs.
B) social needs.
C) safety needs.
D) esteem needs.

29. Kanetra believes that if she leaves her employees unsupervised for a few minutes they will do nothing but slack off. She is known as the "Dragon Lady" (at least behind her back) for the harsh criticism and punishment she disburses whenever an employee makes an error. Kanetra is a __________ manager.
A) Theory X
B) Theory Y
C) Theory Z
D) Theory plus
30. Lynn is in charge of a nursing shift at a hospital. She wants to improve the motivation and performance level of the nurses under her direction. According to expectancy theory, one element of an effective motivational strategy is to:
A) simplify the job.
B) determine what types of rewards are valued by the nurses.
C) set performance standards that are beyond the ability of most nurses to actually achieve.
D) rotate the nurses so that they perform different jobs each day.

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In 200-300 words, address the challenges and opportunities managers face in culturally diverse and global organizations. Apply concepts/terms from Chapter 3 of your textbook.
1. a
A problem with equity judgments is that workers often ________ their own contributions to the success of a business
Herzberg's research found that the factor that ranked highest as a motivator was:
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