1.(a) Sunita is working as a nurse in a near by Hospital. Her son falls ill and she takes care of him at home. Is it an economic activity? Give reasons in support of your answer.(in 60-80 words)

(b) Suresh had gone to Dubai and brought lots of perfume from there. He sold few of it to his friends and gifted some to his relatives. Can we say that Suresh is doing business. Support your answer with reason. (in 60-80 words)

(c) Mukesh's grandfather is an experienced businessman. He tells Mukesh that he must concentrate only on earning profits rather than on any other objectives of business. Is Mukesh's grandfather right? What are the other objective he is talking about? Mention in brief.(in 60-80 words)

2.(a) Mr. michel runs a partnership firm with two of his friends. They manufacture and sale plastic products and earn huge profits. They keep the cost low by paying low wages to the working very poor working condition. Identify the business responsibility being violated by the firm and advise the firm in this regard which is essential for the long term prosperity of the organization.

(b) You are a computer professional and very much aware of the use of Information Technology in business. Advise your friend who is a businessman as to why he should adopt the E-commerce mode of business.

3. Mr. john is running a sole proprietorship business. He is very ambitious and wants to expand his business. He himself performs all the functions. As a student of Business Studies suggest to him any other form of organization which can help in expansion of his enterprise and also explain its advantages over sole proprietorship.

4. Seven friends wish to establish a huge pharmaceutical business and they even want to export the product. They know that it needs an investment of more then 50 lakhs rupees and wish to raise funds from the public. Which form of business organization would you suggest to them and why?

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