1.a population of snails on an island is disrupted during a violent storm. portions of the population are carried by the storm surge to two new islands, while a portion remains on the original island creating three separate populations. conditions on one of the new island are exactly like conditions on the original island. however, snails that landed on the second new island encounter a voracious new predators. what is likely to happen to these three populations?
a. speciation will occur at the same rate in all three snail populations
b. speciation will occur at the same rate in the snails that landed on new islands but not in the orginal snail populations
c. speciation will rapidly occur in one of the snail populations that landed on new islands but not in the other two snail population***
d. speciation will occur in the original snail population but will not occur in the population but will not occur in the populations that landed on new islands
pllz help
2 answers
I agree.