Vp = 225 mph @ 54 Deg.
Vw = 33mph @ 144 Deg.
X = hor. = 225cos54 + 33cos144,
X = 132.25 -26.7 = 105.6mph.
Y = ver. = 225sin54 + 33sin144,
Y = 182 + 19.4 = 201.4mph.
tanA = Y/X = 201.4 / 105.6 = 1.9074.
A = 62.3 Deg.
V = X/cosA = 105.6 / cos62.3 = 227.2mph
Heading: 62.3 Deg. @ 227.2mph.
Your book answer is 257mph. Check for
1. a plane has heading of 54 degrees & airspeed of 225mph. The wind is blowing at 33mph from 144 degrees. what are its actua heading & airspeed? Round to one decimal place.
A) 61.4deg, 257.1mph B) 7.4deg, 66114.0mph C) 136.6deg, 288mph D) no solution
1 answer