1) A null Hypothesis assumes that a process is producing no more than a maximum allowable rate of defective items. The Type II error is to conclude that the process?

2) If 95% confidence limits for the mean Mu turn out to be (6.5,8.5)

5 answers

From Google:

Type II error is failing to reject a false null hypothesis (also known as a "false negative" finding).

Confused by "(6.5,8.5)." If 8.5 = standard deviation, over 16% will be in the negative area.
bruh this was the first everq uestion on jishka , posteddd on june something 2005
lol @frankly frank your right , i just looked on that thread
lol same. I just posted there XD
fake post, this is by someone else, currently in my 30s aiming to be a technician at many schools