1. A dog huddled in the shelter of the tunnel. (Add details about the subject)
2. It shivered in the wind. (Add descriptive details about an item in the compete predicate.
3. Finally, it left the shelter of the tunnel. (Add another predicate)
4. Its shadow trailed behind it. (Add descriptive details about the subject)
5. The dog trotted down the street. (Add another subject)
6. The dog broke through the street of ice on the puddle. (Add descriptive details about an item in the complete predicate and add a second predicate)
1. A little black dog huddles in the tunnel because it was storming.
2. All day long, it shivered in the wind because it was cold and raining.
3. Finally, it left the shelter of the tunnel after it stopped storming.
4. The little black dog's shadow trailed behind us.
5. The dog and horse trotted down the street.
6. The dog broke through the thick sheet of ice on the puddle in the pond.
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