1. A bag contains 12 red checkers and 6 black checkers. You will randomly select two checkers, one at a time, without replacement.

(a) In how many ways can you select two checkers so that at least one of the checkers is red? List the ways.
(b) What is the probability that you select a black checker and then a red checker? Show your work.

3 answers

Hey Matt, I'm a teacher at GCA and this is the same exact problem I gave to my students. One of my student's name is also Matt. If I found out that you're one of my students, I'm giving you a zero. I will also me contacting every 10th grade teacher and, tell them to be on the look-out for a student named Matt. You will get punished for cheating. Just like what Ultron said: There are... No strings on me.....
Matt got caught lmao
Matt, don't feel bad. I have a student taking the same class and despite the fact we have watched class connects and participated in lessons, we are still not sure of how to do this either. At least you are RESEARCHING how to do it instead of not turning in the assignment. Because, unless you are going into pre-med, engineering, design, genetics, etc, I can't possibly fathom giving a student a zero for attempting an assignment. Perhaps he isn't trying to cheat, but gain understanding of how to do the problem....which tells me TEACHER, there is a failure ratio somewhere. Especially when the format of education currently presented by GCA falls well below my expectations. We won't be using this again. I spend far too much time using ALEKS, Kahn Academy videos and other sources....rather than GCA's.