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Christopher Columbus
Christopher Columbus (1447–1506) was convinced he could discover the shortest, and thus the most profitable, trade route to Asia by sailing west across the Atlantic Ocean. In 1492, King Ferdinand and Queen Isabella of Spain agreed to finance his voyage to find out if he was right. Columbus wrote this letter to the king’s treasurer, reporting his discoveries of several Caribbean islands.
February 14, 1493
Because my undertakings have attained success, I know that it will be pleasing to you: these I have determined to relate, so that you may be made acquainted with everything done and discovered in this our voyage. On the thirty-third day after I departed from Cadiz, I came to the Indian sea, where I found many islands inhabited by men without number, of all which I took possession for our most fortunate king, with proclaiming heralds and flying standards, no one objecting.
To the first of these I gave the name of the blessed Saviour, on whose aid relying I had reached this as well as the other islands. But the Indians called it Guanahany. I also called each one of the others by a new name. For I ordered one island to be called Santa Maria of the Conception, another Fernandina, another Isabella, another Juana, and so on with the rest.…
This island [Juana] is surrounded by many very safe and wide harbors, not excelled by any others that I have ever seen. Many great and salubrious rivers flow through it. There are also many very high mountains there. All these islands are very beautiful, and distinguished by various qualities; they are accessible, and full of a great variety of trees stretching up to the stars; the leaves of which I believe are never shed, for I saw them as green and flourishing as they are usually in Spain in the month of May; some of them were blossoming, some were bearing fruit, some were in other conditions; each one was thriving in its own way. The nightingale and various other birds without number were singing, in the month of November, when I was exploring them. There are besides in the said island Juana seven or eight kinds of palm trees, which far excel ours in height and beauty, just as all the other trees, herbs, and fruits do. There are also excellent pine trees, vast plains and meadows, a variety of birds, a variety of honey, and a variety of metals, excepting iron. In the one which was called Hispana,…there are great and beautiful mountains, vast fields, groves, fertile plains, very suitable for planting and cultivating, and for the building of houses.
The convenience of the harbors in this island, and the remarkable number of rivers contributing to the healthfulness of man, exceed belief, unless one has seen them. The trees, pasturage, and fruits of this island differ greatly from those of Juana. This Hispana, moreover, abounds in different kinds of spices, in gold, and in metals.…
All these people lack, as I said above, every kind of iron; they are also without weapons, which indeed are unknown.…
They are of simple manners and trustworthy, and very liberal with everything they have, refusing no one who asks for anything they may possess, and even themselves inviting us to ask for things. They show greater love for all others than for themselves; they give valuable things for trifles, being satisfied even with a very small return, or with nothing; however, I forbade that things so small and of no value should be given to them, such as pieces of plate, dishes and glass, likewise keys and shoestraps; although if they were able to obtain these, it seemed to them like getting the most beautiful jewels in the world.…
In all these islands there is no difference in the appearance of the people, nor in the manners and language, but all understand each other mutually; a fact that is very important for the end which I suppose to be earnestly desired by our most illustrious king, that is, their conversion to the holy religion of Christ, to which in truth, as far as I can perceive, they are very ready and favorably inclined….
In all these islands, as I have understood, each man is content with only one wife, except the princes or kings, who are permitted to have twenty. The women appear to work more than the men. I was not able to find out surely whether they have individual property, for I saw that one man had the duty of distributing to the others, especially refreshments, food, and things of that kind.…
Truly great and wonderful is this, and not corresponding to our merits, but to the holy Christian religion, and to the piety and religion of our sovereigns, because what the human understanding could not attain, that the divine will has granted to human efforts. For God is wont to listen to his servants who love his precepts, even in impossibilities, as has happened to us on the present occasion, who have attained that which hitherto mortal men have never reached.…
These things that have been done are thus briefly related. Farewell, Lisbon, the day before the ides of March.
—Christopher Columbus, admiral of the Ocean fleet

How does Columbus’s description of the Caribbean islands reflect Spain’s motivations for sending him there? Suppose Columbus simply had complete freedom to explore the world without specific goals in mind. How would that have affected his observations? How might it have affected world history? Express your opinions and provide specific predictions if possible.

(one paragraph)

1 answer

Columbus's description of the Caribbean islands reflects Spain's motivations for sending him there in several ways. First, Columbus emphasizes the abundance of natural resources and valuable commodities, such as gold and spices, that could be found on the islands. This reflects Spain's desire for wealth and profit. Additionally, Columbus portrays the indigenous people as simple and trusting, willing to exchange valuable items for trivial ones. This suggests that Spain saw the potential for easy exploitation and conversion of the native population to Christianity. In essence, Columbus's description supports Spain's motivations of gaining wealth and spreading their religion.

If Columbus had complete freedom to explore without specific goals, his observations may have been different. Without a specific objective, he may have focused more on scientific exploration and the natural world rather than searching for resources and potential converts. His observations may have been more varied, delving into topics such as botany, geography, and anthropology. This could have led to a broader and more nuanced understanding of the world, as well as the potential for discoveries and advances in various fields.

In terms of world history, Columbus's observations and actions were pivotal in the European colonization of the Americas. His reports of the lands he discovered, along with the potential for wealth and resources, fueled European expeditions and led to the establishment of colonies. The colonization of the Americas had profound and lasting effects on indigenous populations, introducing disease, slavery, and cultural assimilation. However, if Columbus had a more exploratory approach, his observations and actions might have had different consequences. There may have been a greater emphasis on scientific study and a more respectful and cooperative approach towards the native populations. This could have potentially led to a different relationship between Europe and the Americas, one based on mutual understanding and collaboration rather than exploitation and domination.