# 1.31
(1 pts.) Debbie is a little girl who has been diagnosed as having autistic disorder. Each time she engages in self-injurious behavior, like head-banging, her mother immediately runs over and attempts to stop her by holding her close. According to behavioral theorists, what might this attempt at stopping her behavior actually do?
A) It should decrease the behavior because children with autistic disorder dislike physical contact.
B) The attention her mother is giving Debbie is actually reinforcing, so the self-injurious behavior should increase.
C) The holding will actually frustrate Debbie, so she will head-bang even more.
D) Holding will have no effect on the self-injurious behavior, because autistic children are oblivious to the outside world.
# 1.32
(1 pts.) The prognosis for individuals with learning, communication, and motor skills disorders is;
A) poor unless they undergo complicated neurosurgery to correct their problems.
B) good if they are placed on medications designed to control their attentional difficulties.
C) fair if placed they are placed in remedial educational programs.
D) good if their learning environment provides more structure and fewer distractions.
# 1.33
(1 pts.) In many ways, Sally seems like a typical teenager. However, she repeatedly argues with her parents, refuses to do what she is told, and at times does things to deliberately annoy people. If this behavior pattern is relatively long-term, Sally might possibly have
A) conduct disorder.
B) attention deficit hyperactivity disorder.
C) rumination disorder.
D) oppositional defiant disorder.
# 1.34
(1 pts.) While eating, Lindsay often spits her food back up and rechews it. Assuming that this is a persistent problem, Lindsay might be diagnosed with
A) pica
B) feeding disorder of infancy or early childhood
C) rumination disorder
D) bulimia nervosa
# 1.35
(1 pts.) Frannie still wets the bed occasionally. Which of the following factors would be LEAST important in terms of her being diagnosed as having enuresis?
A) if she was ever successfully potty-trained
B) her current age
C) the frequency of her bed-wetting
D) the duration of her symptoms
# 1.36
(1 pts.) Based on the incidence of Fetal Alcohol Syndrome in various ethnic groups, which of the following individuals would be considered high risk?
A) a woman of French Canadian descent
B) a woman of Irish descent
C) a woman of Italian descent
D) a woman of Native American descent
# 1.37
(1 pts.) Five-year-old Julio appeared normal for the first two years of life. At age two there was a marked deterioration in his language, social, and motor skills. Julio might be diagnosed as having
A) Rett's disorder.
B) childhood disintegrative disorder.
C) Asperger's disorder.
D) autistic disorder.
# 1.38
(1 pts.) Cindy is in her first year of high school. She has always been viewed as a lazy student who just does not put any effort into her writing. Her spelling is terrible and the sentences she writes are disorganized and filled with syntactical errors. Rather than being lazy, Cindy may very well have a
A) dyslexic disorder.
B) mathematics disorder.
C) receptive language disorder.
D) disorder of written expression.
# 1.39
(1 pts.) Jeremy has a difficult time sitting still, and interrupts others, but generally can pay attention to what his teacher is saying as he moves around the room. Jeremy might be diagnosed with
A) attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder, inattentive type.
B) attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder, hyperactive-impulsive type.
C) attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder, combined type.
D) attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder, overactive type.
# 1.40
(1 pts.) Which of the following children is MOST likely to benefit from behavioral interventions designed to treat conduct disorder?
A) Mason, who is 17 years old
B) Ted, who is 15 years old
C) James, who is 14 years old
D) Nathan, who is 11 years old
31.D 32.D 33.B 34.B 35.A 36.D 37.B 38.C 39.B 40.A