1. 20.58-13.3

2. 10.88+98.3-10.88

24 answers

if you are using significant digits, you can't give an answer on either past one decimal place, round to that place.
no help
OK ill help ya i took the test already and got a 75 so heres all the answers

1 B
2 D
3 C
4 A
5 D
6 C
7 B
8 C
9 C
10 C
11 B
12 D
13 B
14 A
15 A
16 A
17 D
18 A
19 C
20 D

demonte207 is 100% wrong
DeMonte207 is 100% RIGHT don't listen to star
denonte207 is correct thank you so much
Demonte is 100% right
18 is D everything else from demonte is correct for conexus
I got an 84% decent ig
I only have 19 questions?
yall so confusing smh.
moop la la
Star is wrong Demonte is right don't listen to star listen to demonte
Demonte is100% right BTW
can you guys do it in nubers
ex) 1.56.7
help pls do it in numbers ex) 1. 565.7
1. 7.28
2. 98.3
3. -101
5. 28
8. -7
9. 18.3
10. -81
11. 3
12. -20, -13, -9, 7,14, 20
13. -269
14. 4
15. 61
16. 36.95
17. 17.32
18. it is A
19. 20.12
20. 78
those are the answers I promise
Rodeo kid is right question 18 however MAY CHANGE due to it being a letter one but thats OK as of 30th of August it is an A thanks.
doesn't matter toward your grade it's just a practice
Rodeo kid
is correct but
12. -20, -13, -9, 7,15, 20 is the correct answer there is no 14 one
its all good but 10. is - 81 i promise
I got 16 questions-
also mine is a practice...