Bronfenbrenner’s Ecological Model of development is a comprehensive framework that depicts the dynamic interplay between an individual’s biological and psychological attributes and the environment they live in. This model emphasizes the importance of understanding the complex interrelationships that exist between the various environmental systems that shape an individual’s behavior. The five environmental systems of this model are the microsystem, mesosystem, exosystem, macrosystem, and chronosystem.
The microsystem refers to the immediate surroundings of an individual such as family, peers, school, and community. These systems have a significant impact on an individual’s developmental outcomes as they involve direct interactions and relationships between the person and their immediate environment. The mesosystem is the connection between two or more microsystems and their impact on an individual's development. For instance, interaction between a child’s family and their school may shape the child's development. The exosystem refers to the external settings that an individual has no direct control over but can still influence them. Examples include workplace policies, mass media, and the legal system.
The macrosystem is the overarching cultural values, customs, and laws that govern a society. It comprises the larger cultural context that frames the values and beliefs of an individual's developmental outcomes. Finally, the chronosystem incorporates the changes that occur over time and the impact that these changes can have on an individual’s development.
In the classroom, educators can apply this model to promote positive development among students. For instance, educators can use the mesosystem by developing collaboration between families and school communities to promote the student's developmental outcomes. In the macro-system, educators can incorporate aspects of culture and social beliefs in their teaching to enhance the learning environment. The chronosystem can offer insights into the social and cultural changes that might occur and require educators to adapt accordingly.
However, this model has been criticized for its lack of emphasis on individualism and how it downplays the importance of personality traits in shaping developmental outcomes. Critics argue that while the model focuses on environmental influences, it still fails to highlight the interplay between an individual’s behavior and the environment. Additionally, it is suggested that this model is complex and difficult to apply, especially when the environmental systems interact frequently, which makes it challenging to establish clear boundaries between them.
In conclusion, Bronfenbrenner’s Ecological Model of development offers significant insights into the context in which individuals develop. It highlights the complex relationships among various environmental systems and the impact they can have on the individual behavior. When educators include all five systems, it can enable them to identify the potential opportunities and challenges that arise in an individual's development. However, educators must acknowledge the limitations of the model, such as its failure to account for influences of personality traits on developmental outcomes.
1.1Extract the core aspects of Bronfenbrenner’s Ecological Model of development by discussing, inter alia, the following:
The five environmental systems;
Discussion and demonstration of how this model can be utilized in class; and
Close your overview with a short critique of this theory.
Length: 3 pages maximum excluding cover page, table of contents page and reference list)
Be creative and original and ensure that all your points are supported by scholarly sources.
Font type: Time Roman
Font size:12 points, and 1,5 spacing.
1 answer