1,050- to 1,400-word paper in which you assume the role of Kardell¡¦s CEO. As CEO, critically examine each stakeholder position in light of the facts of the case.

„h Consider the strengths and weaknesses of each stakeholder position, especially how their desires for action could impact the company¡¦s profitability. Then, select a course of action from the following list:
o Deny any link between the company and the sonox detected in the river and refuse to study the issue further.
o Agree to continue collecting data and investigating the issue further without admitting the mill is the source of sonox.
o Assume there is a link between the sonox and the company and take immediate steps to upgrade the plant to prevent future spillages.
„h Provide an argument in support of your decision. Support your decision with evidence and logic (not your personal opinion). An important part of your grade on this assignment is demonstrating your ability to think critically: to suspend judgment while gathering evidence and consulting the various stakeholders¡¦ positions, to analyze each position, to consider the impact of different courses of action, and then to make a decision and support it with evidence and logic.

1 answer

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