(01) Why study operations management?

(02) What is the difference between the terms “production management” and “operations management’?
Chapter Two
(01) What are the reasons for formulating and implementing an operations strategy?
(02) Describe a possible mission for operations and some associated strategies that fit the following business situations:
(02a) Ambulance service
(02b) Production of standard automobile batteries.
(02c) Production of electronics products that have a short product life cycle.
Chapter Three
(01) Why is interfunctional cooperation important for new-product design?
(01a) What are the symptoms of a possible lack of interfunctional cooperation?
(02) Under what circumstances might a market-pull approach or a technology-push approach to new product design be the best app

1 answer

This is a good summary.
On the second question, it is only Alice in Wonderland arguments that separate the two. Some view production management as "things", and "operations management" as things and services. But it reality, the differences are minimal.
The real gist of OM is to produce the output within cost and schedule targets, keeping "quality" and technical performance standards in the product.