Yes, 0.92847... can be written as a fraction. To convert the decimal to a fraction, let's call the decimal value x.
Let's multiply x by 10 to move the decimal one place to the right:
10x = 9.2847...
Now, let's subtract x from both sides of the equation to eliminate the decimal:
10x - x = 9.2847... - x
9x = 9.2847... - x
Now, since the decimal part on the right side repeats indefinitely, we'll subtract the same value on both sides to eliminate it:
9x = 9.28...
100x = 928.47... (we multiplied both sides by 100 to eliminate the decimal)
Now, let's subtract 9x from both sides to eliminate the decimal on the left side:
100x - 9x = 928.47... - 9x
91x = 928.47... - 9x
Now, we can see that the decimal part on the right side repeats indefinitely, so let's subtract the same value on both sides to eliminate it:
91x = 928.4...
1000x = 92847.4... (we multiplied both sides by 1000 to eliminate the decimal)
Finally, let's subtract 91x from both sides to eliminate the decimal on the left side:
1000x - 91x = 92847.4... - 91x
909x = 92847.4... - 91x
Now, the decimal part on the right side repeats indefinitely, so we'll subtract the same value on both sides to eliminate it:
909x = 92847
x = 92847/909
Thus, 0.92847... can be written as the fraction 92847/909.
0.92847... can be written as a fraction and why?
3 answers
wut kind of decimal is it
Apologies for the confusion. The decimal 0.92847... is known as a non-repeating decimal. It does not have a repeating pattern of digits and is sometimes called an "irrational" decimal.